
where do siberian tigers live

Where Do Siberian Tigers Live? – Siberian Tiger Habitat

October 22, 2017
Siberian tigers make homes in a wide variety of forest habitats such as Korean pine broadleaf forests, northern boreal complex, coniferous-deciduous complex, taiga forests, and mosaic forests. They fancy living in the Sikhote-Alin Mountains primarily because the Siberian roe deer and Manchurian wapiti are pretty common throughout this range. Amur…
what do siberian tigers eat

What Do Siberian Tigers Eat? – Siberian Tiger Diet

October 22, 2017
Siberian tigers are the largest cats of all felids so they can afford to prey on larger animals. They are also called amur tigers. Siberian tigers or amur tigers are thought to prey on Manchurian sika deer, Siberian musk deer, moose, long-tailed goral, Manchurian wapiti, wild boar, antelopes, buffaloes, elks,…
how much does a siberian tiger weigh

How Much Does a Siberian Tiger Weigh?

October 22, 2017
The Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is one of the heaviest terrestrial carnivores—second only to polar bear. The biggest and probably the heaviest Siberian tiger ever measured was shot in 1943 in Sungari River. It was an adult male that weighed as much as 660 pounds. Scientists believe that there…
how much does a snow leopard weigh

How Much Does a Snow Leopard Weigh?

October 21, 2017
Snow leopards are probably not as heavy as other big cats such as lions or tigers. Adult males weigh 60 to 120 pounds with the heaviest male weighing as much as 165 pounds. The average weight of a female leopard is about 55 pounds. Female leopards gain weight when they…
why do snow leopards have long tails

Why Do Snow Leopards Have Long Tails?

October 21, 2017
Snow leopards have pretty long tails—which is probably one of many useful adaptations for surviving in cold habitats. The snow leopard’s tail is about 80 – 100 cm in length as against its body length of 48 – 60 cm, making it nearly twice the length of its body length.…
how high can a snow leopard jump

How High Can a Snow Leopard Jump?

October 21, 2017
Snow leopards have fully developed paws which help the cat not only to move swiftly on snow—it allows the leopard to jump as high as 20 feet vertically. Yes, that is true! Snow leopards are able to reach the heights of 20 feet or 6 meters when it jumps from…
how far can a snow leopard jump

How Far Can a Snow Leopard Jump?

October 21, 2017
Although snow leopards are not big they are pretty sporty. They possess superstrong legs which allow them to leap as far a distance as 50 feet horizontally. Snow leopards can afford to jump 50 feet in an icy cold habitat for their fur-covered feet are well insulated by dense hair.…

How Fast Can a Snow Leopard Run?

October 21, 2017
A snow leopard is a medium-sized cat but it has powerfully built stocky body. The leopard’s hind legs are long and possibly strong enough to give agility on land. Snow leopards can run at a maximum speed of 55 miles per hour though they cannot maintain this much speed for…

How much does a Great White Shark weigh?

October 20, 2017
The weight of the largest known great white shark ever recorded in history is at least 2,730 pounds. However, there may be a possibility of an even bigger great white that can weigh as much as 5,070 pounds but it is yet to be confirmed. In 1986, a female white…
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