
How many Teeth does a Basking Shark have?

October 22, 2017
Basking shark feeds on plankton and there are hundreds of very small hooked teeth inside its mouth. These teeth are arranged in more than 150 rows. Each tooth measures about 5 to 6 millimeters in size. The teeth in the middle are triangle-shaped while the side teeth are hooked and…

How Big Do Whale Sharks Get? – Whale Shark Growth & Size

October 22, 2017
The size of the whale sharks has been a matter of debate that hasn’t settled yet. Researchers describing different sizes of these sharks are fairly common. Some of them believe the whale shark is 60 feet (18 metres) in length. However, it is not confirmed. How Big Do Whale Sharks…

Why are Green Sea Turtles Endangered?

October 22, 2017
Every year, the green turtles are harvested in hundreds or thousands for human consumption and trade around the world. The eggs of these turtles are usually harvested on sandy beaches, the nesting sites of the sea turtles. However, one of the serious threats which may endanger the survival of these…

Where do Green Sea Turtles live?

October 22, 2017
Green Sea Turtle Habitat Green turtles use three different kinds of habitats. They tend to migrate hundreds of kilometers between their feeding sites and nesting grounds. These turtles use sandy beaches for nesting while the nest is dug by means of digging pit with their flippers. They usually feed on…

What Eats Green Sea Turtles?

October 22, 2017
The predators of the adult green sea turtles are bigger sharks and human beings. In sharks, the tiger sharks usually prey on these turtles. However, the hatchlings and young individuals of the green turtles are more vulnerable to different kinds of predators. Some of the predators that readily feed on…

What Do Green Sea Turtles Eat?

October 22, 2017
Green sea turtle does not just rely on one kind of diet because the food varies as the turtle grows bigger. The juvenile individuals of the green turtles are essentially carnivores. With time, however, the grown-ups green turtles start eating plants as well. Since the food of the green turtles…

What Eats Snowy Owls? – Snowy Owl Predators

October 22, 2017
People often wonder what eats snowy owls perhaps because these owls are known as the master of the sky. While adult snowy owls don’t have many natural predators, they do occasionally fall prey to some potential predators. Snowy owls must protect their fledglings from the potential threats because their nests are…
how long do bengal tigers live

How Long Do Bengal Tigers Live? – Lifespan

October 22, 2017
A Bengal tiger has an average lifespan of 8 to 10 years in the wild. The maximum lifespan of the wild specimen is about 15 years. Very few tigers reach the 15 years age in the wild because they eventually become too weak to hunt large animals. In captivity, Bengal…
how long do siberian tigers live

How Long Do Siberian Tigers Live? – Lifespan

October 22, 2017
Siberian tigers or amur tigers are the biggest of all cats. They are thought to live as long as 10 to 15 years in the natural habitat. In captivity however they have a lifespan of about 20 or even 25 years. In the boreal forests, Siberian tigers rely on their…
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