
Do Guinea Pigs Smell?

September 4, 2021
Do you think that you might be considering bringing a guineapig into your home? The dread they might have of you is what stopping you from bringing them home. Guinea pigs can have a strong odor, but it can usually be controlled with some basic cleaning techniques and general care.…

Do Guinea Pigs Bite?

September 4, 2021
It’s never easy for guinea pigs to bite the hands that feed them. Most pets will bite you if they’re unhappy, stressed or injured. What Does it Mean when a Guinea Pig Bites You? You can prevent your guinea pig from biting by learning why it might do so. Let’s…

How to Treat a Limping Dog at Home?

September 3, 2021
Although dogs have two more legs than humans, they still have to limp if they are injured or have to use their feet. If your dog starts to limp, you may be able to perform some first aid at home. What causes lameness? Lameness is caused by injury to or…

What Do Guinea Pigs Eat?

September 2, 2021
Guinea pigs love fresh fruits and vegetables. A nutritional imbalance can lead obesity, chronic diarrhea, and disease of the heart, liver and kidneys. As sudden or significant changes in diet can cause problems, it is important to gradually introduce new foods into your guinea pig’s daily diet. Give your guinea…

Why Do Penguins Huddle Together?

September 2, 2021
Emperor penguins are able to stay warm in Antarctica’s cold by huddle. Researchers now model the inner workings of the huddle by looking through fluid dynamics. Francois Blanchette from the University of California Merced is an applied mathematician who says that it took a lot of serendipity for him to…

Why Do Cats Like Plastic Bags?

September 2, 2021
Why is it that cats love to lie on plastic bags so much? We don’t know why cats like to sit on plastic bags, but it is possible that they enjoy the comfort of being wrapped up in warm plastic bags and the distinctive crinkly sound. Plastic bags are a…

Why are Cats So Flexible?

September 2, 2021
The wildcats are predators and make their living off of being agile, strong, and flexible. They can reach heights of nine times their normal height from a sitting position, and can squeeze through tight spaces with their chest and shoulders. They can land in midair, get up on their feet…

Do Male Spiders Spin Webs?

September 1, 2021
In order to create silk and build webs, male and female spiders should be able to do so. It is usually the females who create webs. Most often, web building is done by female spiders. Arachnology literature has confirmed that male spiders are not capable of building webs. However, the…

Do Spiders have Ears?

September 1, 2021
In the normal sense of the word, spiders don’t have ears. Some spiders have nerve-based receptors that allow them to hear. However, evidence is mounting that they can hear some things like jumping spiders and fishing spiders. These receptors function as ears by picking up soundwaves that are transmitted to…

Do Spiders Sleep in a Way We Do?

August 31, 2021
Although very little research is available on spider sleep, there are some theories that spiders have a circadian rhythm, which refers to daily periods of activity as well as rest. The activity cycle of each species is different. Some spiders work only at night while others are busy during the…
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