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How Big Is A Blue Whale?

October 27, 2017
Typically, the length of a blue whale is about 24 to 27 meters (78.75 to 88.5 feet). However, it can be as long as 30 meters. In size, the female blue whales are about 10 meters longer than the males. The length of its flippers is 8 feet (2.4 meters)…

What Do Blue Whales Eat?

October 26, 2017
Despite the enormous size of the blue whales, they tend to rely on some of the smallest ocean creatures: krill (euphausiids). The multi-chambered stomach of these whales is large enough to devour 2,200 pounds of food. Occasionally though, they also feed on amphipods, copepods and pelagic red crabs. However, the…
how fast does a cheetah run

How Fast Can a Cheetah Run? – Cheetah Top Speed

October 26, 2017
Do Cheetah is the fastest running animal in the world. They can hit 100 miles per hour in just 5 seconds—almost the speed of a Ferrari car. Generally, cheetahs hunt at a speed of 40 miles per hour (64 km/h) but it varies in between 100 and 120 kilometer per…

Where Do Loggerhead Sea Turtles Live?

October 25, 2017
The loggerhead turtles are highly nomadic marine turtles and their habitats are widely distributed throughout their lives. They undertake long migrations between their nesting sites and foraging grounds. Loggerhead Sea Turtle Habitat Loggerhead turtles are found in tropical, temperate and subtropical coastal waters around the world. They do not, however,…

Where Do Leatherback Sea Turtles Live?

October 25, 2017
The leatherback sea turtles are highly migratory species. They tend to migrate longest distances among all marine turtles. They are known to swim around 3,700 miles each way from the foraging ground to the breeding site. Leatherback Sea Turtle Habitat Leatherbacks are essentially pelagic turtles but they also frequent coastal…

What Do Leatherback Sea Turtles Eat?

October 25, 2017
Leatherback sea turtles are voracious creatures and they tend to eat twice as much as their own weight. They have scissor-like jaws but feed mainly on soft-bodied animals like tunicates, siphonophores, cephalopods and salps. However, they usually feed almost exclusively on jellyfish which is strange because the jellyfish are made…

How Many Eggs Does A Leatherback Sea Turtle Lay?

October 25, 2017
For nesting, a female leatherback swims ashore. After digging a hole on a sandy beach, she deposits around 100 to 120 eggs. In every nest, there are about 80 fertilized and 30 unfertilized eggs. Each egg measures about the size of a billiard ball. The eggs are incubated for about…
where do white tigers come from

Where Do White Tigers Come From? – White Tiger Evolution

October 25, 2017
White tigers are neither true subspecies of a tiger nor are they true albinos. They are born as a result of inbreeding between individuals within the same family members such as father to daughter, brother to sister, and mother to son. The inbreeding occurs in orange Bengal tigers. Thus, we…
do tigers live in africa

Do Tigers Live in Africa?

October 25, 2017
Tigers do not live in Africa they never had and they probably never will! Lately however, conservationists are making deliberate attempts to introduce tigers in Africa. The tiger’s evolution began in the northern Asia but scientists believe that tigers could have possibly arrived in Alaska over the last 100,000 years.…
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