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How Many Blue Whales Are Left In The World?

October 31, 2017
Despite the fact that blue whales have a global distribution, they are sparsely populated around the world. Today, there are about 10,000 to 25,000 blue whales alive in the oceans, making them one of the most endangered whales. According to one estimate, the blue whales currently number around 8,000 to…

Where Do Blue Whales Live?

October 31, 2017
Blue whales occur in deep ocean waters around the world and so, they have a truly global distribution. In size, the blue whales of the southern hemisphere are bigger than those living in the northern hemisphere. The blue whales usually undertake long seasonal migrations in summer and winter. The poleward…
how do arctic fox protect themselves?

How Do Arctic Foxes Protect Themselves?

October 31, 2017
The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is also called polar fox or white fox. It earns its name due to its all-white coat. Although the coat turns brown in summer, in winter it becomes as white and snowy as the Arctic habitat. This is probably one of the most useful adaptations…
what eats arctic foxes

What Eats Arctic Foxes? – Arctic Fox Predators

October 31, 2017
Arctic fox is not the biggest of foxes so they will be highly vulnerable to the potential predators. While adult foxes are pretty safer from the Arctic predators, young often fall prey to the ground living terrestrial mammals. Polar bears are at the top of the food chain—they are thought…
what do gray wolves eat

What Do Gray Wolves Eat?

October 30, 2017
The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is the carnivorous mammal. Like many other terrestrial carnivores, gray wolf also eats herbivorous mammals. Most of its diet consists of medium to large-sized mammals much less ungulates weighing as much as 530 – 1,430 pounds. Gray wolves are mostly most active at night. They…
where do arctic foxes live

Where Do Arctic Foxes Live? – Habitat

October 28, 2017
Arctic foxes are the ones perfectly suited to inhabiting the freezing Arctic tundra. It is also called polar fox or white fox. The polar fox makes habitat in the alpine tundra as well as arctic sea ice. The fox lives in open areas which lack trees, probably plains and shrubby…
what do arctic foxes eat

What Do Arctic Foxes Eat? – Diet

October 28, 2017
Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is the one suited to living in the frigid arctic habitat. Like other foxes, the arctic fox has a carnivorous diet. But they do consume fruits. The fox eats small rodents such as lemmings, tundra voles, squirrels, and arctic hares which make up most of the…
how long do arctic foxes live

How Long Do Arctic Foxes Live? – Lifespan

October 28, 2017
Arctic foxes live only 3 to 6 years in the wild tundra. In captivity however they can live up to 10 years— more than three times as long as those live in the wild. This is quite possibly due to the availability of food and lack of predation. It also…

What Does A Blue Whale Look Like?

October 27, 2017
The blue whale has mottled skin with pale gray blotches speckled over its body. The color of its body is bluish-gray. Normally, the color of its underside is blue or white. However, at times, these whales have yellowish-colored underbellies due to the accumulation of millions of cold water microscopic organisms…
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