Why You Should Consider A Canine Companion When Living Alone

November 8, 2022
2 mins read

A dog can prove to be the perfect companion for almost anyone. While families with young children can benefit from owning a pooch, those of us living alone may see even greater benefits from choosing a dog as a housemate. 

Dogs are loyal, affectionate, and deeply empathetic creatures. They can become highly attuned to their owners’ emotions and moods, as a show of solidarity and friendship. If you’re living alone and unsure about whether or not to get a canine companion, we’ve put together a guide to help you decide. Keep reading to check it out. 

Living Alone Can Get Lonely

While some people may thrive living solo, for many of us living alone can be lonely and can even have an effect on our mental health. Research has indicated that adults who live alone are statistically more likely to develop mental issues such as anxiety or depression. 

A dog can work as the perfect friend for those of us who live alone. Owning one has been proven to have significant benefits for our mental and emotional wellbeing. To ensure your poochy pal leads a long healthy life, make sure you get insurance. Check out dog insurance from Petsure, where you’ll find packages that offer up to £15,000 on vet bills as well as cover for many pre-existing medical conditions. 

Dogs Are Entertaining 

Loneliness and boredom often go hand-in-hand. Finding a way to entertain yourself when living alone can be difficult and often exhausting. 

A dog can provide endless fun and entertainment. They are creatures who absolutely love to play and will jump at the chance to have fun when you’re feeling bored. Getting a collection of different toys and games for your dog can help you enjoy your time together, amuse yourself and keep your dog happy and content. 

Dogs need regular outdoor exercise. This is a perfect excuse to get out of the house and see the world. Taking your dog on long, rambling walks can be an exciting adventure for both you and your pet. Walks will entertain you both and can work to improve the relationship and bond between you. 

Dog Ownership Can Improve Your Health

While owning a dog has been proven to benefit our mental wellbeing, more studies are coming out that reveal links between dog ownership and our physical health as well. 

Dog owners have been found to have lower rates of cardiovascular disease and reduced levels of cholesterol. While walking your dog regularly will keep you fit and give you access to fresh air. Dog owners also demonstrate quicker recovery times from traumatic events such as surgery. 

The benefits are particularly important for those of us who live alone. Humans are social animals, with loneliness and isolation having the potential to  cause serious physical effects. Risks including increased risks of heart disease and strokes have been reported, while some studies have suggested that living alone can increase mortality rates by up to 30%. 


Living alone is becoming more and more common in today’s world. Unfortunately, it can pose some risks to our mental and physical health, from heightened levels of anxiety to serious conditions like cardiovascular disease or stroke. Owning a dog has been proven to reduce these risks and can significantly improve our health and emotional state. For many people living alone, boredom can be a real issue. Choosing a canine companion to live with you can provide endless hours of fun, from playing with toys or chasing each other around the house to taking long, leisurely walks in the great outdoors. 

I am a contributing author and co-founder of animalsanswers.com. Every now and then i find myself hooked to my laptop researching and trying to discover new species of animals.

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